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Admin • September 20, 2022
Woman with Dog — Columbus, OH — Olentangy Pediatrics Inc

November 12, 2021

Abby's White Coat Ceremony

Posted Nov 12, 2021 by Anne Littleton

We're in Philadelphia this weekend for Penn Vet's "White Coat Ceremony." Most of you know that our "baby," Abby is a third-year student at the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School. (Interesting fun fact: Graduates receive a VMD instead of a DVM. This is because Penn Vet was an offspring of UPenn Medical Center in 1882. In 1933, WOMEN WERE GRANTED ADMISSION TO PENN VET, but by 1939, there were still only 21 females with Vet School degrees in the United States. Nowadays, 80% of Vet School graduates are FEMALE! We've come a long way, baby! )

Anyhow...the Vet students receive white coats during their third year of professional school prior to entering their clinical rotations. Why white, you ask...because white bleaches! I'll try to get a photo to post at the ceremony this evening.

I am doing amazingly well despite a few Keytruda side effects. Yes, it's not all Ferrari rides, fun at the lake with the family, Epcot retreats, and glorious days of hiking and sunning! Some days can be really rough! But they are tolerable because of the good ones! I have learned to rest throughout the day when I am "pooped out," and that really helps the fatigue. Last night I slept six straight hours, which beats 1-2 at a time, and feel like a new woman this morning. 

The doctors have come up with a plan for when random body parts think they're fighting off cancer, but they're fighting my belly, knees, face, etc...( I have to say, the face was by far the weirdest yet! Wasn't expecting that one! ) My immune system is a quick study and Keytruda is a great teacher, so the cancer cells are also getting a blasting. And that's just from the original dose six weeks ago! I am scheduled for another dose on Monday, but that's up to my team at the James. Prior to the proposed infusion, I had two CT Scans. One of the lungs and one of my spine,

I can't wait to see what the lung tumor looks like on Monday! I believe it will be either tiny or gone. I believe my visualization techniques blocked the tumor's "on" switch and returned it to my normal DNA. Now "Sophie" is normal lung tissue as far as I know. Keytruda is working on the tiny mets in my bones. It's a team effort, for sure!

PS: When we were walking out of the hotel to have dinner last evening, a young hotel worker was standing on the veranda, ready to light up a cigarette. I said "hi" and then couldn't help myself and said: "I have Stage 4 lung cancer, and without God and medicine, I'd be dead in 3 months. (Original prognosis was six months without treatment) Don't light that thing up!" (I didn't say that my cancer is NOT from cigarette smoking, It's from 3 different genetic mutations...fib by omission.). He said: "you are dying?" and his expression was one of a deer in headlights! So, what the heck, to save a life, one can stretch the truth, right? Because, in truth, we are all dying, (but he meant short term), I answered: "Yup." And then I kept walking. When I looked back, he was staring at his lighter in hand, yet! I yelled:" God Bless You!." Then I noticed the lanyard holding his IDs said, "JESUS SAVES." Whew! I didn't offend him!

The blessings that cancer affords one are too numerous to count. Being brave enough to intervene in a young stranger's life for their health and wellbeing is just one of them. I WOULD NEVER HAVE SAID ANYTHING 4 MONTHS AGO, and I will always wonder if God sent me to that place at that time. I bet the young man will question it, too! 

Five minutes prior to that interaction, Brad and I were heading to the back door, but I had a sudden inkling to look at the flower shop out front, so... If you don't listen when God speaks, you don't hear God speaking!

Love one another. Can't take money and 'stuff" with you, but every drop of love you share with others stays with them and spreads in infinite directions. We can change this negative, hateful-feeling world when we share our gratitude, kindness, and compassion with those we know and those we meet, and they will pass it forward to those they know and meet. And it goes on and on!

Loving all of you,


October 17, 2022
By Admin September 20, 2022
I keep feeling better and better! I receive an infusion of monoclonal antibodies once a month, and for the rest of the month, I get to travel and see my friends and family! My doctors are extraordinarily happy about my progress, as am I! I really miss my patients and their families, so, please keep in touch and let me know if anyone is graduating! I love you all, and God Bless!
By Admin September 20, 2022
Hi! Here's my most recent news: I had a series of tests this week, and I am doing GREAT! No new cancer! No spread of the leftover "little blob" in my chest! I am getting to spend time with my children and grandchildren and many of you folks! My dogs, Monty and Grace, are getting old, so we're all hobbling around like troopers! I received news this week that I will be continuing monthly infusions for a total of two years unless the current therapy should stop working. I expect that it will continue to do its job, and I will continue to spend lots of time with everyone! Cancer is a bugger! But we all know that I'm a bugger, too, so the "blob" is either going to disappear with Keytruda or God's will, or a combination of both. Meanwhile, I'm living my best life except for how much I miss each and every one of you! Bless you all, Doc L.
By Admin September 20, 2022
Hi everyone! Doctor's Visit and Chest CT today... Great News! *Lung tumor is still visible, but the size is stable. *All labs are normal! *I get to spread out treatments from every three to every four weeks now!!!!! I can't believe the number of cards and letters that continue to flood my way and I am oh, so grateful! Sunday, I was so moved that I cried in wonder as I read through them. (I had been vacationing in Florida for six weeks so there were quite a few waiting for me at home.) Parents, please let your children know that I'm getting stronger every day! I love them!
By Admin September 20, 2022
Hi everyone! I received an email from a family that requested I update the blog, so I'm happy to oblige! I'm doing miraculously well these days. I came to Florida to stay warm and don't have to come back to Ohio until Valentine's Day to get another Keytruda infusion, so I'm coming back on February 13th. I have been getting stronger every day. I walk on the beach or around the city for 10,000 steps every day. I meditate every morning, and I have a cat friend who comes to visit every night and leaves every morning, and gives me love and attention. Some of my dearest old friends live around the corner, and I see them daily. I feel like I couldn't possibly have cancer anymore. My next scan will be on Valentine's Day, and I'll let you know what the results say! This may be my last treatment for a really long time! God bless the amazing physicians and research doctors that are constantly studying and learning how to attack cancer cells with the body's resources! It's fascinating! So…here's to the teams of healers who are literally saving my life!!! Hopefully, the future will allow me to contribute and give back in some small way! We'll talk again after Valentine's Day! Love, Doc L
By Admin September 20, 2022
Happy Holidays everyone! Sorry it's been a while. I'm having a rough time posting to the blog and need help-which I detest asking for! (I'm like that if you didn't already know!) The month of December has been kind to me. We've figured out how to manage the Keytruda side effects, and I have been mostly pain-free! (Nov wasn't so kind) The brain and spine lesions have been eradicated, and the lung lesion is shrinking down nicely! Nothing is growing inside my body now that isn't supposed to be there! I spent a few days in Florida at the beginning of the month and caught up on SUNSHINE!! It's Christmas night and I must be honest. I'm sitting in the ED at OSU due to a Christmas diagnosis of Omicron variant COVID. They are treating me with magic medicine called Sotrovimab which is a monoclonal antibody directed at the Coronoviral spike proteins. It makes the virus unable to attack my cells. Amazing!!! I feel very blessed to have received it because it's in short supply, but my age, symptoms, and underlying cancer allowed me to receive a dose! Christmas miracle! The doctors and nurses have been wonderful, and I swear I'm already feeling better! Love each other! It's really all we can give one another that matters in this life! So give and give and give this Christmas season, but give of your compassion, time, energy and love!!! We all have plenty of "stuff!" I love you all, Doc L
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