Hi everyone!
I received an email from a family that requested I update the blog, so I'm happy to oblige! I'm doing miraculously well these days. I came to Florida to stay warm and don't have to come back to Ohio until Valentine's Day to get another Keytruda infusion, so I'm coming back on February 13th.
I have been getting stronger every day. I walk on the beach or around the city for 10,000 steps every day. I meditate every morning, and I have a cat friend who comes to visit every night and leaves every morning, and gives me love and attention. Some of my dearest old friends live around the corner, and I see them daily.
I feel like I couldn't possibly have cancer anymore. My next scan will be on Valentine's Day, and I'll let you know what the results say! This may be my last treatment for a really long time! God bless the amazing physicians and research doctors that are constantly studying and learning how to attack cancer cells with the body's resources! It's fascinating!
So…here's to the teams of healers who are literally saving my life!!! Hopefully, the future will allow me to contribute and give back in some small way!
We'll talk again after Valentine's Day!
Doc L